Special Educational Needs:
Some children in school are identified as having a particular Special Educational Need. These children receive extra help from the staff according to their level of need. In this way we are able to help them make the best possible progress, to the best of our ability and available resources.
The aim of our school is to encourage each child to develop an inner self-discipline founded on respect for other people. High standards are expected from all members of the school community. We expect our children to follow our school rules by behaving well at all times and we insist on politeness and good manners. At Heera we will not tolerate any form of bullying. We encourage all children to tell us immediately if they think they are being bullied.
Contacting the School:
Sickness absence
Please telephone the school early on the first morning of absence.
Parents Meet
We hold parents meeting and information events throughout year. We will tell you about how your child has settled and the progress that they are making.
Informal Chat
Please feel free to speak with the teacher or classroom assistant about your child. You will see them when you drop off and pick up your child. On the rare occasion that the teacher is unable to speak with you at the time they will make arrange a convenient time for that chat.
School Office
The school office is able to deal with a number of issues, for example school uniform, fee, and transport admission etc. It may be that you feel the need to meet with one of the management team, if this is the case, please let us know via the office.
Supporting your child at home:
Your child will be getting used to reading, writing and maths at school. It really helps if you could encourage them to practice these skills at home as well.
Studying at home is the most important thing that you can do to help your child succeed.
Aim to spend about 30 to60 minutes per day sharing a book with your child. If this is too long then break it down into 15 minute sessions.